Hasil Ujian Nasional (UN) SMA/MA/SMK 2011

Hasil Ujian Nasional (UN) SMA/MA/SMK 2011. National Exam Results (UN) SMA / MA / SMK 2011 was officially announced today, Monday, May 16, 2011. The percentage of high school students' graduation / MA / SMK nationally increased, as in DIY, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Java and East Java, South Kalimantan province except that fell 1 percent compared to 2010.

The increase in expected graduation because of changes in graduation system which combines the national test scores and school exams so that the national exam is no longer a scourge that scary and actually increase the confidence of students and schools.

And most exciting is the presence of better understanding among the Ministry of National Education that the National Examination is only measuring and mapping the condition of education in one area so that funds will only increase the quality of education in schools that give priority to low graduation rates.

So who really is being tested is not a student or school, but the ability of the National Education Ministry / government in managing the National Education is to achieve results in accordance with mandated in the 1945 Constitution.
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