Apple Applications Entered the Guinness World Records

Apple Applications Entered the Guinness World Records. Apple's success in offering thousands of applications in its products, delivering the company's entry in the Guinness World Records. Currently, Apple has sold 260 thousand applications in the Apple Store, and has been downloaded more than 6.5 billion of the iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone.

Gaz Deaves, editor of Guinness World Records Gaming explain since the iPhone released in the market, has changed the mobile phone industry and video games.

Apple''has created a huge new space in the genre of casual games, that really brings entertainment to users everywhere, "says Deaves.

According to reports Gamer magazine edition of 2011, the iPhone mobile device 4 was selected as the fastest and best-selling, because of the portable gaming system.

It said sales of the iPhone 4 on the first day has reached 1.5 million units. While the Sony PSP is only able to sell 200 thousand units on launch day. Nintendo DS is only able to sell 500 thousand units in a week in 2004.

Guinness awards are also given to the Apple App Store, Apple's store that specialized in selling the largest online video games. It is estimated there are 37,300 more games that are sold there.

While Xbox Live Arcade only selling 1300 indie title, and stores the Wii console virtial about 600 titles, including derivatives.
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