Views sightings Earth, the satellite owned by Nasa and the Russian satellite was different. Although highlighting the same object, the difference caused polemics in the community.
The difference between NASA and Russia's satellite views regarding color, smooth terrain and contour detailing the mountainous heights. Electro-L weather satellite owned by the Russian space agency to send pictures back to Earth every 30 minutes. Launched last January via a Zenit rocket, the satellite is now in 36 thousand miles above the equator.
The difference between NASA and Russia's satellite views regarding color, smooth terrain and contour detailing the mountainous heights. Electro-L weather satellite owned by the Russian space agency to send pictures back to Earth every 30 minutes. Launched last January via a Zenit rocket, the satellite is now in 36 thousand miles above the equator.
Considered more complete than the picture of NASA, the U.S. space agency denied oblique remark that developed in the community. Dr. Robert Simmon of NASA's Earth Observations Laboratory at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland, USA, claims the Russian satellite view is not better or worse.
"Pictures of Electro-L is a combination of near infrared wavelengths in close proximity so that shows the Earth in perspective that can not be seen by humans. Vegetation appears red, for example, "said Dr. Robert Simmon.
Pictures taken Electro-L using three bands of the reflected light, one of which is an indicator of vegetation that make the plants appear red. The system was made standard stimulation colored images of red, blue and green.
On the other hand, from NASA's GOES weather satellites combine the three colors in three-dimensional technology to fit with what the eye sees the truth.