Nadila Ernesta Hot Bikini 2011

Nadila Ernesta Hot Bikini 2011. Ernesta circulated photographs of Nadila Ernesta. In some photographs, the film star looks wearing a black bikini and wearing a police hat. Ernesta Barbie is not alone in the photo. She was accompanied by a number of fellow men and women.

In the photo looks Nadila Ernesta wearing a black swimsuit. However, something interesting from one of these photos is that when Nadila Ernesta seen wearing police caps. 

In the various images can be seen also Nadila Ernesta clutching a man as she stuck out his tongue into the face of the man in front of it.

Nadila Ernesta ever having an affair with drummer Eno "Neutral". In the world of entertainment, she was first known for her roles in soap operas geeky Is this It (2004).. Palembang bloody-Batak women also have been involved in the soap opera Manusia Bersisik, Allah Maha Besar, Rahasia Ilahi, and Takdir Ilahi. Nadila Ernesta also tested the big screen by starring in Miracle (2007) and Hantu Jembatan Ancol (2008)
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