Dream High OST Drama Korea - Dream High is a Korean drama that aired in Indonesia through Indosiar TV station, began in July 2011. Dream High is a Korean drama starring six people on board Korean artists, among them is Suzy, Kim Soo Hyun, Taecyeon, Ham Eun Jung, and Kim Sook Wooyoung pill.
Dream High, tells the story of six high school students who want to achieve a dream becomes music star in the Korean music industry. High Dream itself consists of 16 episodes and has been released since January 2011 that then. After nearly six months was released in their home country, has its own High Dream Korean Drama going to greet fans in Indonesia. So for my friends who've been waiting for this drama, prepare ye time soon, because it is a pity if you had to spend the time to watch the drama of the most eagerly awaited in Indonesia.
Here is a video of Dream High OST
Dream High OST Korean Drama