Earth Warming, Melting Glaciers 100 Times Faster

Scientists claim the glaciers are melting all over the world have 100 times more rapidly in the next 350 years. The danger, it affects millions of people who depend on freshwater.

The claim was based on studies in Patagona, South America with 270 glaciers of Patagonia is equivalent to 1700 times the quantity of water in Lake Windermere. Studies conducted Professor Neil Glasser of Aberystwyth University to analyze the number of rocks left by glaciers that have disappeared.

Since the Ice Age ended in Patagonia in the mid 17th century, the region has lost 145 cubic ice. This is due to increase in temperature reached 1.4 degrees Celsius in the region. According to a report in the journal Nature Geoscience.

"Glacier has been greatly reduced over the last 30 years. It exceeded our expectations, "said Professor Glasser. "It's very scary," she said again.

He is conducting joint research with scientists from the University of Exeter and Stockholm University, said the area of glaciers in South America, just like the glaciers in the Alps or the Earth's northern region, experienced a drastic reduction of the glacier.

"This is murder for the Himalayas. In the short term because they get dizzy benefit more fresh water during the dry season. But, in the long run, this is a big problem, "said Professor Glasser again.
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