Mystery of Twin Sun in China

A video that shows the appearance of twin sun in the sky of China, horrendous cyberspace. One of the orange sun, others more yellow and appears to be higher. What really happened? The domain of science, Life's Little Mysteries ask these phenomena in an astronomer at the University of Illinois, Jim Kaler.

According to Kaler, the appearance of the Sun is the effect of double refraction or optical refraction. However, merupkan something very rare. He doubted that the phenomenon is computer engineering. He believes there must be a kind of lump atmosphere in a place, which resulted in spectacular phenomenon. Looks like a mirage.

Mirage usually occurs when light biased. It usually occurs near the horizon, where the air is thicker, and aligned vertically above or below the original light source - not the next, like in the video. According to Kaler, the differences might be when the pieces are in front of the Sun's atmosphere and create special effects.

Although unusual, the appearance of the Sun twins earlier this ever happened. Moon sighting also twins. As stated in the book "Light and Color in the Outdoors" by astronomer Marcel Minnaert.

Meanwhile, a number of other atmospheric optical scientist who contacted Life's Little Mysteries claim to have never seen a phenomenon like the one in the video.

"This is not an ordinary optical phenomena that we often see," said Grant Perry, atmospheric scientists from the University of Wisconsin. "I wondered, is this due to the lens. However, if that happens the picture will go to move when the camera moves," said Perry. "But that does not happen."

In terms of optics, he said, "You can assume there are particles of ice or something in the atmosphere are aligned in such a way as to refract the sun on a very small angle, but only in one direction."

Some effects of atmospheric optics are described in science ever before are like, sun dogs, mirage twilight (sunset mirages), pillars of the sun (sun Pillars), and hello sun. But what is the appearance in the video was not included in any definition. "It's very exciting," said Kaler.
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