Qualitative Research Definition

tables and diagrams of qualitative research
From the results concluded that the proposed definition of experts, in his book Qualitative Research Methods, Lexy J. Moloeng (2004:6) defines qualitative research as research that aims to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by research subjects such as attitudes, perceptions, motivations, actions, etc.., Holistically, and by way of description in the form of words and language, in a particular context that naturally and by utilizing a variety of natural methods.

According to Nasution (2003:18) qualitative research is called naturalistic research, because in qualitative peneliutian conducted in settings that lamiah or natural background.

Qualitative research is essentially observing people in the environment, interact with them, trying to understand the language and their interpretations about the world around him. To the researchers must jump spaciousness and be there in a long time. What is done by many qualitative researchers persamaannnya with detectives or spies, explorers, or journalists who also jumped into the field to study a particular human with a lot of collecting data. Of course, what the scientists are more accurate, formal and sophisticated. (Nasution, 2003:5)
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