Rain of Fire on the Surface of the Sun

Rain of Fire on the Surface of the Sun. Sun flames erupted on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 morning. Uniquely, the eruption did not cause the tongue of fire into the sky, but return to the sun, creating a rain-shaped crown. Researchers from NASA's Solar Jack Ireland claim to have never seen anything like this. Eruption regarded medium size, but plasma containing magnets that posed flames - called filaments - can be 10 times the size of Earth. Genesis of the eruption within a period of several hours.

Large filaments normally despite the sun's magnetic field and spend into space. NASA scientist explains Alex Young. Only in the event this time, the filament back to the sun. "The possibility did not have enough energy," he said.

The rain did not fall in plasma perpendicular to the sun, but to follow magnetic field lines that are not visible. Some materials are attracted to bright point magnetic activity, called the active area. "field magnets of the active area was attractive plasma. Something that I had never seen before," said Young.

The incident was recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. The incident itself will not affect the Earth. "No need to worry. Enjoy the beauty," said Young.
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